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falling back to default profiles: default2016-03-31 02:33:5

点击: 次  来源:宝鼎软件 时间:2017-06-01

原文出处: waylau

本文先容了 Docker 在 openSUSE 情况下的具体安装进程,并实验运行一个简朴 Spring Boot 的 image 来感觉下 Docker 的风范。

什么是 Docker

Docker 是为开拓人员和系统打点员用于构建、宣布、并运行漫衍式应用措施的开放式平台。该平台由 Docker 引擎(一个便携、轻巧的运行时和打包东西) 和 Docker Hub (一个共享应用措施和自动化事情流的云处事)等构成。Docker 可以使应用措施从组件迅速组装并消除了开拓、质量担保和出产情况之间的摩擦问题。这样一来,IT部分可以更快地宣布,而这些应用措施不管是运行在条记本电脑、数据中心的虚拟机,照旧任何的云,其运行进程和功效都是一致的。

更多有关 Docker 的先容,可以参阅《简述 Docker》 一文。


  • 64-bit 系统
  • kernel 3.10+
  • openSUSE 13.2+。本例利用的是 openSUSE Leap 42.1(假如你没有 openSUSE 系统,可以实验在虚拟机内里装个 openSUSE 系统,可以参阅《Oracle VM VirtualBox 安装和利用》《CentOS 7 安装、设置》)
  • 利用 uname -r 查抄 kernel 版本

    $ uname -r

    发起你利用最新的系统,软件开发,软件开发,觉得一直的 bug 城市在新的 kernel 宣布中修复。


    openSUSE 13.2 起,自带了客栈,所以无需添加

    安装 openSUSE 海内镜像源

    网络原因,会见 openSUSE 速度慢且不不变,发起回收海内镜像库,下面例子是利用的 aliyun

    zypper addrepo -f http://mirrors.aliyun.com/opensuse/update/leap/42.1/oss  openSUSE-42.1-Update-Oss
    zypper addrepo -f http://mirrors.aliyun.com/opensuse/update/leap/42.1/non-oss/ openSUSE-42.1-Update-Non-Oss
    zypper addrepo -f http://mirrors.aliyun.com/opensuse/distribution/leap/42.1/repo/oss/ openSUSE-42.1-Oss
    zypper addrepo -f http://mirrors.aliyun.com/opensuse/distribution/leap/42.1/repo/non-oss/  openSUSE-42.1-Non-Oss
    zypper addrepo -f http://mirrors.aliyun.com/packman/openSUSE_Leap_42.1/ aliyun-packman

    安装 Docker 包

    $ sudo zypper in docker


    linux-aihn:~ # zypper in docker
    Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update' metadata --------------------------[|]
    Warning: Digest verification failed for file '7256e9794decb02046412d2dc8ab5fa5a17875c1303f31663094da5ede29e933-app-icons.tar.gz'
      expected 7256e9794decb02046412d2dc8ab5fa5a17875c1303f31663094da5ede29e933
      but got  a6be6f0868adbffa79d87856f6f3de4317a1e5c3f923be66eed899c4b559850b
    Accepting packages with wrong checksums can lead to a corrupted system and in extreme cases even to a system compromise.
    However if you made certain that the file with checksum 'a6be..' is secure, correct
    and should be used within this operation, enter the first 4 characters of the checksum
    to unblock using this file on your own risk. Empty input will discard the file.
    Unblock or discard? [a6be/? shows all options] (discard): discard
    Retrieving repository 'openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update' metadata ......................[error]
    Repository 'openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update' is invalid.
    [repo-update|http://download.opensuse.org/update/leap/42.1/oss/] Valid metadata not found at specified URL
    Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository.
    Skipping repository 'openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update' because of the above error.
    Loading repository data...
    Reading installed packages...
    Resolving package dependencies...
    The following 6 NEW packages are going to be installed:
      bridge-utils docker git-core git-gui gitk perl-Error
    6 new packages to install.
    Overall download size: 10.6 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional
    50.7 MiB will be used.
    Continue? [y/n/? shows all options] (y): y
    Retrieving package perl-Error-0.17021-3.2.noarch   (1/6),  28.3 KiB ( 49.8 KiB unpacked)
    Retrieving: perl-Error-0.17021-3.2.noarch.rpm ....................................[done]
    Retrieving package bridge-utils-1.5-21.3.x86_64    (2/6),  32.0 KiB ( 66.0 KiB unpacked)
    Retrieving: bridge-utils-1.5-21.3.x86_64.rpm .....................................[done]
    Retrieving package git-core-2.6.2-3.1.x86_64       (3/6),   3.9 MiB ( 25.7 MiB unpacked)
    Retrieving: git-core-2.6.2-3.1.x86_64.rpm ..........................[done (267.4 KiB/s)]
    Retrieving package gitk-2.6.2-3.1.x86_64           (4/6), 217.2 KiB (705.6 KiB unpacked)
    Retrieving: gitk-2.6.2-3.1.x86_64.rpm ............................................[done]
    Retrieving package git-gui-2.6.2-3.1.x86_64        (5/6), 296.1 KiB (  1.3 MiB unpacked)
    Retrieving: git-gui-2.6.2-3.1.x86_64.rpm .........................................[done]
    Retrieving package docker-1.9.1-13.1.x86_64        (6/6),   6.2 MiB ( 22.9 MiB unpacked)
    Retrieving: docker-1.9.1-13.1.x86_64.rpm ...........................[done (272.8 KiB/s)]
    Checking for file conflicts: .....................................................[done]
    (1/6) Installing: perl-Error-0.17021-3.2 .........................................[done]
    (2/6) Installing: bridge-utils-1.5-21.3 ..........................................[done]
    (3/6) Installing: git-core-2.6.2-3.1 .............................................[done]
    (4/6) Installing: gitk-2.6.2-3.1 .................................................[done]
    (5/6) Installing: git-gui-2.6.2-3.1 ..............................................[done]
    (6/6) Installing: docker-1.9.1-13.1 ..............................................[done]
    Additional rpm output:
    creating group docker...
    Updating /etc/sysconfig/docker...

    启动 docker 守护历程

    $ sudo systemctl start docker.service

    设置让 docker 处事随系统自动启动

    $ sudo systemctl enable docker.service

    docker 会建设一个以docker定名的用户组,添加用户到这个用户组

    sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -a -G docker <username>

    卸载 docker

    卸载 Docker 包:

    $ sudo zypper rm docker