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物理内存:就是系统硬件提供的内存巨细,是真正的内存,一般叫做内存条。也叫随机存取存储器(random access memory,RAM)又称作“随机存储器”,是与CPU直接互换数据的内部存储器,也叫主存(内存)。 

虚拟内存:相对付物理内存,在Linux下尚有一个虚拟内存的观念,虚拟内存就是为了满意物理内存的不敷而提出的计策,它是操作磁盘空间虚拟出的一块逻辑内存,用作虚拟内存的磁盘空间被称为互换空间(Swap Space)。Linux会在物理内存不敷时,利用虚拟内存,内核会把临时不消的内存块信息写到虚拟内存,这样物理内存就获得了释放,这块儿内存就可以用于其他目标,而需要用到这些内容的时候,这些信息就会被从头从虚拟内存读入物理内存。 


在Linux中常常发明空闲的内存很少,好像所有的内存都被耗损殆尽了,外貌上看是内存不足用了,许多新手看到内存被“耗损殆尽”很是告急,其实这个是因为Linux系统将空闲的内存用来做磁盘文件数据的缓存。这个导致你的系统看起来处于内存很是紧张的状况。可是实际上不是这样。这个区别于Windows的内存打点。Linux会操作空闲的内存来做cached & buffers。 

buffers是指用来给块设备做的缓冲巨细(块设备的读写缓冲区),它只记录文件系统的metadata以及 tracking in-flight pages.

Buffers are associated with a specific block device, and cover caching of filesystem metadata as well as tracking in-flight pages. The cache only contains parked file data. That is, the buffers remember what’s in directories, what file permissions are, and keep track of what memory is being written from or read to for a particular block device. The cache only contains the contents of the files themselves.

cached是作为page cache的内存, 文件系统的cache。你读写文件的时候,Linux内核为了提高读写机能与速度,昆山软件公司,会将文件在内存中举办缓存,这部门内存就是Cache Memory(缓存内存)。纵然你的措施运行竣事后,Cache Memory也不会自动释放。这就会导致你在Linux系统中措施频繁读写文件后,你会发明可用物理内存会很少。其实这缓存内存(Cache Memory)在你需要利用内存的时候会自动释放,所以你不必担忧没有内存可用

Cached is the size of the page cache. Buffers is the size of in-memory block I/O buffers. Cached matters; Buffers is largely irrelevant.

Cached is the size of the Linux page cache, minus the memory in the swap cache, which is represented by SwapCached (thus the total page cache size is Cached + SwapCached). Linux performs all file I/O through the page cache. Writes are implemented as simply marking as dirty the corresponding pages in the page cache; the flusher threads then periodically write back to disk any dirty pages. Reads are implemented by returning the data from the page cache; if the data is not yet in the cache, it is first populated. On a modern Linux system, Cached can easily be several gigabytes. It will shrink only in response to memory pressure. The system will purge the page cache along with swapping data out to disk to make available more memory as needed.

Buffers are in-memory block I/O buffers. They are relatively short-lived. Prior to Linux kernel version 2.4, Linux had separate page and buffer caches. Since 2.4, the page and buffer cache are unified and Buffers is raw disk blocks not represented in the page cache—i.e., not file data. The Buffers metric is thus of minimal importance. On most systems, Buffers is often only tens of megabytes. 


共享内存是历程间通信中最简朴的方法之一。共享内存答允两个或更多历程会见同一块内存,就如同 malloc() 函数向差异历程返回了指向同一个物理内存区域的指针。当一个历程改变了这块地点中的内容的时候,其它历程城市察觉到这个。其实所谓共享内存,就是多个历程间配合地利用同一段物理内存空间,它是通过将同一段物理内存映射到差异历程的虚拟空间来实现的。由于映射到差异历程的虚拟空间中,差异历程可以直接利用,不需要像动静行列那样举办复制,所以共享内存的效率很高。共享内存可以通过mmap()映射普通文件机制来实现,也可以System V共享内存机制来实现,System V是通过映射非凡文件系统shm中的文件实现历程间的共享内存通信,也就是说每个共享内存区域对应非凡文件系统shm中的一个文件。